Sailing yacht 'Island Rambler' is a 1972 Conyplex Contest 33, hull No-89, and designed by U. van Essen & Dick Zaal.

My New (Old) Boat...

Launch day and Joe chilling in Pantelli.
I bought "Island Rambler" in November 2010 after seeing her advertised on the Apollo Duck private sale web site. She's a Contest 33, built by Conyplex in 1972. Being a registered British Ship Part 1, I must say gave me some piece of mind during the buying process. It's not foolproof by any means, but is far preferable to the simple SSR registration that gives no title to the vessel. She was situated in Partheni boatyard on the Greek Island of Leros in the Dodecanese chain which are but a day sail away from the Western Turkish Coast. I flew out to Leros on the 24/05/11 with my crew Joe Bosher, and after approximately ten days of preparation to get her sea worthy, we launched at 8.30am on the 03/06/11. We picked up a mooring nearby the hoist station for a couple of hours, carrying out engine and underwater fitting checks. All was well so we set off southbound to a little port called Panteli on the East coast of Leros, and then to Lakki harbour on the West coast. See map of Greek Islands. We were on our way back to Falmouth UK, a voyage that would take us right across the Mediterranean, through the Straights of Gibraltar and into the Atlantic. The sun was shining and the sea blue.... What more could you ask for...