Rambler slipped away from Amorgos at 6.00am - 08/06/11 on route for Milos with the option of stopping off in Ios if we felt like it. In the end we pushed on for Milos, arriving off the south/eastern tip of the island at about 16.00pm. We dropped the hook in a beautiful anchorage, and got on with the normal chores involved with the running of a boat. Unfortunately, things didn't stay quiet in our peaceful haven. The barometer was dropping like a stone and the Navtex gave warnings of a southerly gale-expected soon. Our anchorage was totally open to the south, we had to move. The nearest safe harbour was Adamas, a long haul to the western side of Milos. We had to go... and arrived at about 4am - 09/06/11, very tired...
Above : Anchored just off the town quay in Adamas/Milos. A place we had to evacuate in a hurry later in the day as all hell let loose in the harbour with boats smashing into the quay and each other...
When you view the photo above, you are looking due south. You can see Rambler and another yacht anchored off in Milos bay. Later in the day conditions got so bad that we had to seek shelter under the lee of the hills you can see in the background. We were anchored not more than 200 meters of the beach in 3 meters with 40 meters of chain out. It was screeching as the wind accelerated down off the hills, and we nearly had the dinghy blown off the deck. The blow didn't moderate until about 4am - 10/06/11, resulting in a restless night on anchor watch...